Dry nasal mucosa, ulcers and sinusitis are common nasal abnormalities. Although most of the symptoms are not life-threatening, they can cause discomfort to the patient and reduce the quality of life.
Atrophic rhinitis (Ozena) is a chronic inflammation of the nasal mucosa, which is accompanied by foul odor. If not properly controlled, it will easily cause chronic sinusitis. The use of a liquid nasal bandage containing sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) can effectively relieve odors and form a physical protective film to protect the nasal cavity while achieving high moisturizing effects.
Others, such as partial radiation of the head and neck, after nasal surgery, patients who wear respirators for a long time, low temperature working environment, and frequent flights, can easily cause dryness in the nasal cavity or discomfort of physical wounds.
The general complementary therapy is to use normal saline to rinse the nasal cavity to improve some symptoms. However, because the respiratory airflow will accelerate the evaporation of water, the normal saline only has a flushing function but has no moisturizing effect and cannot reach the sinuses. The nasal mucosal wounds will still be showing symptoms of nasal dryness due to water evaporation.
Therefore, using HI-MUPRO Nasal Spray, with high mucosa adhesion Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), increase the water retention time, block the irritation of the nasal mucosa by foreign objects, and reduce the viscosity of nasal secretions. At the same time, it can clean the nasal cavity, improve moisturization and relieve the discomfort of mucosal wounds. HI-MUPRO Nasal Spray is your best choice!
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